Sunday, February 25, 2007

HW Week 2-19-07

The blog that I’ve read from Fimoculous’ “Best Blogs of 2006 That (Maybe) You Aren’t Reading is really informative. The title of each blog states the main point of what the blog is going to be about. The blog I read in this section I was assigned has a purpose to inform the reader about something. The blog I read taught me something new with each post. Things that I’ve learned that are new to me is that there is such thing as Monkeytown, which is a film venue in New York, Wikipedia has a Debatepedia, Princeton partnered up with Google for a library project, also Belgian newspapers sued and won a case against Google. The blog writer really did do their research. The reader gets a full understanding that the writer really does know what he/she is talking about. The writer gives us the idea of the main point and goes on to explain about the main point. The blog seems to be written like an essay or an article. The blog is like a report coming out of a newspaper. It really does inform. In the blogs there are also hyperlinks linking to a site that gives the reader a more in depth and broader understanding of what the writer is talking about. As mentioned above, the new things I learned also have hyperlinks. There are hyperlinks that link you to the Monkeytown website, Debatepedia’s website, the partnership between Princeton and Google, and also the lawsuit filed against Google from the Belgian newspapers. The links are helpful and direct the reader to other sites if you wanted to know more information on the subject. There are also many more hyperlinks on the blog I read. The way the blog ends off is with a conclusion that wraps up all the information given in each post. The posts end with questions, quotes, and even the writer’s opinion or thoughts on the subject.

The blog that I was assigned to read and analyze differ from my own blog a lot. My blog is really more laid back and really opinionated; whereas the assigned blog is more serious and factual. My blog just rambles on and on like it is my own personal diary but online though. The way I can incorporate these differences into my own blog is to make my posts in my blog more serious and not make it seem like an online diary by adding more information and facts. It would also be more helpful if I added more hyperlinks so the reader can get a better understanding of what it is that I am talking about. Reading the assigned blog taught me more about writing blogs because before this class I’ve never written a blog.


davidkk said...

Hey how's it going? I was assigned the same blog as you were. It's definitely interesting to see an opinion coming from a different person; gives you a new perspective. When I was observing the blog, I actually thought it was more opinionated. Some posts talked about factual things, like Monkeytown. But, looking back to the previous posts, I saw people talking of things like the affects of children's books and complaints of a digital New York PUblic library.

Any way, I can also definitely add more hyperlinks to my blogs, and I can definitely be more serious on my writing. Thanks for your thoughts on this assignment. Helped me out a bit.

Aaron Deng said...

Hi. I had analyzed the same blog with you. You had a very detail content to analyze this blog, and wrote about some contents of this blog, and I can follow your ideas well. I think you can write more detail about the similarities and difference between your own blog and this blog, which can make your essay strong and interesting. Also you can add some interesting picture form the blog you analyze. Any way this is just my suggestion, may be it can help you. I think if you can get my idea, it will make your essay better. Well done, excellent job. Good luck!

Issah Mohammed said...

I could not agree with you more about you comment on the factual and dispassionate nature of the blog you read. This indeed is different from the ones we write for a class. I would like to state however that some of the blogs posted for the class can be factual depending on the kind of essay or write-up it is.

Hyperlinks on this page was equally great in providing an avenure for further information if needed by the reader.
I think this is the cornerstone for buiding credibility with your audience if they know that you are presenting them with the opportunity to verify the information you give them.

Very good analysis on your part,I saw a little extra about the blog after reading your analysis.